Identification of the owner of the website

In compliance with reporting obligations stipulated in Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 of Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce INVESTCASA IURIS SL (hereinafter investcasa) as owner of the website www.investcasa.es proceeds to inform the identifying information required by those rules:

Company name: INVESTCASA IURIS, S.L.
● CIF: B92847805
● Registration data: Registro Mercantil de Málaga al tomo 4339, libro 3249, folio 58 hoja número MA-92345, inscripción 1ª
● E-Mail: info@investcasa.es
● Address: Avda. Isabel Manoja Nº 4, Bajos, CP 29620 Torremolinos ( Málaga )

This information forms and regulates the conditions of use, disclaimers and obligations that users of the website published under the domain www.investcasaiuris.com assume and undertake to respect


“Website”, domain www.investcasaiuris.com available to internet users.

“User”, legal or natural person who uses or browse the website.

“Content”, are the pages that make up the entire domain www.investcasaiuris.com, which make information and services that Investcasa makes available to internet users. The website contain messages, text, photographs, graphics, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, sound files and / or images, recordings, software, aspect, graphic design and source codes and, in general, any contained kind of digital information on the page.

“Web”, technical word that describes access to information via the internet, which is configured through pages developed with HTML language or the like, and programming languages such as java, javascript, php or others, etc… In these website designed and published under an internet domain name, are the result of the information the owner makes available to internet users.

“Link”, technique by which a user can navigate through the pages of the web, or online with a simple mouse click on the text, icon, button or indicative containing the link.

“Cookies”, technical means for tracing and tracking navigation in websites. Are small text files that are written to the user's computer. This method has implications on privacy, so Investcasa will duly notify their use when they are implemented on the website.

Acceptable use policy

Simple and mere use of the website gives the condition of user of the website, whether legal or natural person, and necessarily implies full and unreserved acceptance of all and each of the clauses and conditions contained in this legal notice, if the user does not agree with the clauses and conditions of this legal notice shall not use the website.

This legal notice is subject to changes and updates, so de version published by Investcasa may by different in each time the user accesses the website. Therefore the user should read the legal notice in each and every time they access the website.

Through the website, Investcasa provides access and use of the content of the website published online by Investcasa or by authorized third parties.

The user is obliged and undertakes to use the website and content in accordance with applicable law, the legal notice and any other notice and instructions to his knowledge, either through this legal notice or elsewhere within the contents that make the website as well as with the norms of coexistence, morale and generally accepted good customs.

To this end, the user agrees and undertakes to not use any content for illegal purposes, prohibited in the legal notice or by law, harmful to the rights and interests of others, or in any way damage, disable, overload, impair or impede the normal use of the content, the computer equipment, documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any own computer or contracted by Investcasa, other users or any internet user (hardware and software).

The user agrees and undertakes not to transmit, or make available to third parties any kind of content on the website, such as information, text, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound files and / or images, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, links, graphic design, and source codes, or any other content they have access in their capacity as user of the website, without this list being limited.

Also, in line with this, the user cant not:

- Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any way communicate publicly, transform or modify the contents, unless you have obtained written consent from Investcasa, who owns the copyright, or that it is legally permitted.

- Remove, manipulate or in any way alter the "copyright" and other information that identify the reserved rights of Investcasa or its owners, digital identifiers, or in any other technical way established for recognition.

The user shall not obtain or attempt to obtain the contents using means or procedures other than those have been placed at his disposal for this purpose or have been indicated to this effect on the web pages where the content is located or those who are applied usually in internet for this purpose provided as long as do not pose a risk of damage or disablement of the page and / or contents.


Intellectual Property

All trademarks, trade names or logos of any kind that appearing on the website are owned by Investcasa or, if applicable, third parties who have authorized their use, without it can be understood that use or access to the website and / or to the contents gives the user some rights over the mentioned trademarks, trade names and / or logos, and without being transferred to the user any rights of exploitation that exist or may exist in such contents.

Likewise the contents are copyrighted by Investcasa, or by third parties if applicable, therefore, the copyright holder is Investcasa or holded by third parties that have authorized their use, who has the exclusive rights of use in any way and, especially, the copyrights, distribution rights, public communication and modification.

The unauthorized use of the information contained on this website, and any breach of intellectual property rights holded by Investcasa or by third parties which have ceded content included on the website, will result in legal action.



Those people who intend to establish hyperlinks between your website and this website it should be noted and meet the following conditions:

- Prior authorization is not required when the hyperlink only allow access to the home page, but can not reproduce in any format. Any other format of hyperlinks will require express authorization by Investcasa.

- Shall not create “frames” containing web pages or over Investcasa's website.

- Shall not publish false, inaccurate or offensive information about Investcasa its directors, employees or contributors, or people who are listed on the website for any reason, or users of the website, or content provided.

- Shall not declare or given to understand that Investcasa has authorized the hyperlink or has supervised or assumed in any way the contents offered or provided to the website where the hyperlink is included.

- The website where the hyperlink is included may only contain what is necessary to identify the destination of the hiperlink.

- The website where the hyperlink is included not contain information or illicit content, contrary to morals and good customs generally accepted and public order, as well as not contain contents contrary to the rights of others.

The hyperlinks included in Investcasa's website could redirect to third party websites. Then, Investcasa assumes no responsibility for the content, information or services they might have on those websites and that in any case imply any relationship between Investcasa and the persons or entities owners of such content or owners of the website where the content is.

Investcasa indicates that the purpose of hyperlinks included on the website is only to inform to the users the existence of other sources of information on the subject matter of the website, where can expand all data provided by INVESTCASA IURIS, S.L.

These Hyperlinks are not a suggestion, invitation or recommendation to visit these websites and therefore Investcasa, will not be responsible for the result obtained right through them.

Investcasa can not have a comprehensive control of all websites linking to Investcasa's website. www.investcasa.es and therefore, is not responsible for the content of external websites. The inclusion of any hyperlink does not imply any approval or responsibility by Investcasa, being each user responsible for itself.

Any third party who what to create a hyperlink to www.investcasa.es must undertake to respect the rules established by Investcasa, about hyperlinks.

These rules are:

a) Obligatory to link directly to Investcasa's home page. (simple hyperlink).

b) Do not make false, inaccurate or incorrect statements near the hyperlink, they can mislead, or contrary to the law, morality or public order.

c) Not establish hyperlinks to websites whose contents containing xenophobic, racist, pornographic manifestations or advocating terrorism or statements against Human Rights, and in general those that may damage Investcasa's reputation or public image.

Third party who has knowledge of any violation that is ocurring, and that would prejudice the legitimate Investcasa's interests, please contact us as soon as possible to any of the following address:

Avda. Isabel Manoja Nº 4, Bajos, CP 29620 Torremolinos ( Málaga ), Spain


Availability of the website

Investcasa does not guarantee no interruptions or errors in accessing the website, the contents, or that are updated, although it will make best efforts to avoid, correct or update them., Investcasa is not responsible for any damage caused by the use of the website.

Investcasa excludes, with the exceptions in the law, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the unavailability, interruptions or poor quality of operation of the website and the contents, no fulfillment of expectation of usefulness which users could have attributed to the website and contents.

The function of hyperlinks presented on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other websites containing information on the subject. Such hyperlinks does not constitute suggestions or recommendations.

Investcasa is not responsible for the contents of any website linked, the operation or usefulness of the hyperlinks or the result of such links, or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in it that can produce alterations in the user's computer system (hardware & software), documents or files, excluding any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.


Access the website does not imply any obligation on the part of Investcasa to control the absence of viruses, worms, or any other harmful computer code. Correspond to the user, in any case, the availability of software tools for detection and removal of harmful computer programs, therefore, Investcasa is not responsible for possible security flaws that may occur during the provision of services on the website, or for any damage that may cause to the user's or third parties computer system (hardware & software), files or documents stored in that computer systems, due to the presence of viruses in the user's computer system used to connect to service and web content, as a result of a malfunction or outdated version of the web browser.


Quality of Website

Dado el entorno dinámico y cambiante de la información y servicios que se suministran por medio de la Página, Investcasa realiza su mejor esfuerzo, pero no garantiza la completa veracidad, exactitud, fiabilidad, utilidad y/o actualidad de los Contenidos.

La información contenida en las páginas que componen este Portal sólo tiene carácter informativo, consultivo, divulgativo y publicitario. En ningún caso ofrecen ni tienen carácter de compromiso vinculante o contractual.


Limitación de responsabilidad
Investcasa excluye toda responsabilidad por las decisiones que el Usuario pueda tomar basado en esta información, así como por los posibles errores tipográficos que puedan contener los documentos y gráficos de la Página. La información está sometida a posibles cambios periódicos sin previo aviso de su contenido por ampliación, mejora, corrección o actualización de los Contenidos.

Investcasa declina cualquier responsabilidad respecto a la información que se halle tanto fuera como dentro de estas páginas no gestionadas directamente por nuestro Departamento de Informática, respondiendo así únicamente de la información publicitada en el sitio web directamente por Investcasa.

Investcasa se reserva la facultad de efectuar, en cualquier momento y sin necesidad de previo aviso, modificaciones y actualizaciones en la información contenida en su sitio web o en la configuración y presentación de éste, así como suspender temporalmente el acceso al mismo.

Toda vez que la información contenida dentro de las páginas no procede, en ocasiones, directamente de Investcasa, ésta no se responsabilizará de que la información allí publicada se encuentre actualizada de forma inmediata.

Investcasa, no se responsabiliza de cualquier daño o perjuicio en el software o hardware del usuario producido por el acceso del mismo a las páginas que componen el sitio web de Investcasa, así como del ocasionado como consecuencia de la utilización o reproducción de la información allí contenida.


Todas las notificaciones y comunicaciones por parte de Investcasa al Usuario, realizadas por cualquier medio, se considerarán eficaces a todos los efectos.


Disponibilidad de los Contenidos

La prestación del servicio de la Página y de los Contenidos tiene, en principio, duración indefinida. Investcasa, no obstante, queda autorizada para dar por terminada o suspender la prestación del servicio de la Página y/o de cualquiera de los Contenidos en cualquier momento. Cuando ello sea razonablemente posible, Investcasa advertirá previamente de la terminación o suspensión de la Página.


Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal

Investcasa es consciente de la importancia de la privacidad de los datos de carácter personal y, por ello, ha implementado una política de tratamiento de datos orientada a proveer la máxima seguridad en el uso y recogida de los mismos, garantizando el cumplimiento de la normativa vigente en la materia y configurando dicha política como uno de los pilares básicos en las líneas de actuación de la entidad.

Durante la navegación a través de la web www.investcasa.es es posible se que soliciten datos de carácter personal a través de diferentes formularios dispuestos al efecto. Dichos datos formarán parte de los pertinentes ficheros en función de la finalidad determinada y concreta que motiva el recabo de los mismos.

De esta forma, la información particular de cada tratamiento de datos se aportará junto a los formularios web, siendo común a todos ellos el responsable del fichero: INVESTCASA IURIS, S.L. domiciliada en Avda. Isabel Manoja nº 4, Bajos, CP 29620 Torremolinos ( Málaga ), así como el lugar y forma de ejercicio de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, que deberá formalizarse mediante una comunicación escrita a la dirección indicada anteriormente incluyendo copia del DNI o documento identificativo equivalente.

En el supuesto de que aporte sus datos a través de un mensaje de correo electrónico, el mismo formará parte de un fichero cuya finalidad será la gestión de la solicitud o comentario que nos realiza, siendo aplicables el resto de extremos indicados en el párrafo anterior.

Asimismo, las condiciones generales de contratación de cada producto de Investcasa contienen las características y naturaleza del tratamiento de los datos que serán desarrollados por la misma en el supuesto de que contrate cualquiera de ellos.

Por otro lado, Investcasa ha implantado las medidas técnicas y organizativas necesarias para evitar la pérdida, mal uso, alteración, acceso no autorizado y robo de los Datos Personales que los interesados pudieran facilitar como consecuencia del acceso a las diferentes secciones del website www.investcasa.es, aplicando las medidas de seguridad contempladas en el Real Decreto 994/1999, de 11 de junio, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Medidas de Seguridad de los ficheros automatizados que contengan datos de carácter personal.



Para cuantas cuestiones se susciten sobre la interpretación, aplicación y cumplimiento de este Aviso Legal, así como de las reclamaciones que puedan derivarse de su uso, todos las partes intervinientes se someten a los Jueces y Tribunales de Málaga, España, renunciando de forma expresa a cualquier otro fuero que pudiera corresponderles.


Legislación aplicable

El Aviso Legal se rige por la ley española.

Copyright © 2007-2025 – INVESTCASA IURIS, S.L.

Reservados todos los derechos de autor por las leyes y tratados internacionales de propiedad intelectual. Queda expresamente prohibida su copia, reproducción o difusión, total o parcial, por cualquier medio.

Copyright © 2025 investcasaiuris.com - Terms of service